Saturday, February 21, 2009

"stop texting me" means STOP TEXTING ME!

last night at work, just as i was finishing up all my cleanup and stuff, i was making a fresh pot of coffee. it was around four in the morning. then, i got a text message out of the blue, saying "naw nigga. i'm still @ mats dawg. get here soon playa".

so i thought to myself "wtf?"... and then responded "you got the wrong person dummy"

i got a response saying "mistake my dude. sry. and nigga i aint dumb"

so i threw back "prove it. stop texting. its fucking 4 am, bitch"

then the douche responds with "your mothers a bitch and like i said, my mistake you ugly fag. fuck off b4 i murder you when i see you and your parents to FUCK YOU."

so naturally i said "yeah my mom's a bitch. taught me all she knows. what's your excuse?"

people cant stop, can they? he then texted "ok. i texted you by accident. you cant let it go. now i got when i see you. think im fuckin around pussy."

haha so i said "i love it when you talk dirty baby"

lol he responds with "then ur gonna bust a nutt when i beat you down. your fuckin wit the wrong person and you dont even kno it."


i cant believe someone could be so stupid as to call someone a fag, call their mother a bitch, and then threaten murder of three people in a text message.

i dont know who this person is, and i dont recognise the number... now i want votes: is it worth showing these texts to police? i work around them, and they could probably take care of this real quick. but is it worth the trouble?


  1. It's only worth showing them if you have even an inkling that the person actually knows who you are.

    My guess: he's actually an 18-year-old punk whose balls have barely dropped so he compensates with his talk. Now I have to go pray he doesn't procreate.

  2. I agree with Ash. But if you feel the urge then show them to someone in case something does happen the number will be documented...

    I am too indecisive to be of much help x-D
